It is troubling to see how smoking cigarettes
and drinking alcohol is such a stumbling block for so many people
when they consider Christianity.
I have friends that think that they are already disqualified
from the possibility of ever becoming Christians just because
they smoke and drink.
To have to give up smoking and drinking in order to meet the
requirements for becoming a Christian, is for most people, especially
men, too difficult to do. I do believe that this presumption is
probably one of the strongest reasons why so many people don't
even consider Christianity as something they could call as their
own faith.
What is it that makes smoking and drinking to be looked upon
with such severity? Does the Bible really say that smoking cigarettes
and drinking alcohol is a sin?
No, the Bible doesn't say that. There are no scriptures that
directly regard the two as sins at all. In fact, drinking wine
was recommended by the Apostle Paul to Timothy to calm his nerves
and stomach. Even Jesus blessed a wedding reception by miraculously
turning large vessels of water into "good tasting" wine when the
wine had run out. Drinking wine in the Bible days was just part
of everyday life. So, the Bible doesn't say that drinking alcohol
is a sin. Yet the scriptures do say that we should not drink it
accessively nor get drunk. That is certainly understandable even
from a secular perspective.
As for cigarettes, there is no mention
of such a thing in the Bible. Either cigarettes weren't invented
yet, or that it was available and smoked but was not considered
bad. The Bible does encourage us to take good care of "God's temple",
the human body. In other words, we are to maintain good health.
So, from that perspective, smoking cigarettes is not good. This
is just plain common sense. Yet, the scriptures do not say that
it is a sin to not maintain good health.
I have several close friends that are good, upstanding Christians
who smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. These indulgences do not
hinder their faith at all. They are responsible people and sincerely
love God.
Let's not let erroneous misunderstandings of the smoking cigarettes
and drinking alcohol get in the way of knowing God. There are
more important issues to deal with than these when it comes to
the Christian faith.