
Vol.2 Being Separated From the World

Lately I have had the privilege to be involved with the making of a movie about an old and very famous music group, The Golden Cups. This has been a great experience for me in many ways and a wonderful opportunity to be a witness of Christ.

I used to be the type of Christian that thought that the Bible teaching of "being not of the world" and "separating yourself from the world" meant to turn your back to and to reject everything that is outside of the Christian world. This even excluded having relationships with people that weren't Christians. That would mean that I would not have been able to participate in this movie making work being that it had nothing to do with the Christian world.

But I realized that this was not what Jesus had taught. In fact it is the complete opposite. "Being not of the world" and "being separated from the world" doesn't mean turning your back to and rejecting the secular world, but it rather means to not live according to the secular world's way. The secular world's way consists of a man-centerded perspective and all of the social behaviors that derive from that. Jesus wants us to not live according to a man-centered perspective but to live according to His ways which included putting others before yourself. Jesus never instructed us to reject people, any kind of people. Rather He commanded that we accept and love people, all people.

Of course there is love and unselfishness in the secular world, but the difference is in living a Christ centered life verses a self-centered life. When you have Christ as the center, we are to live according to His rules. And, of course, these rules include "loving your neighbor as yourself." When you live according to a man-centered perspective, the rules are set by the individual person, which can change according to each person's thinking and circumstance. One person's perspective of an act of love may not be so for another person. But Jesus' rules do not change according to circumstantial differences or people's thinking.

The Bible states that we are to be in the the world but not of the world. And just as Jesus did, we are to have meaningful relationships with secular people. And in order to do so, we need to be in the secular world and involved with the lives of secular people. But as we do so, we must remember to not follow the ways of the secular world especially when it runs contrary to Biblical guidelines.

最近の事ですが、60年代に活躍した有名なグループサウンズ「ゴールデンカップス」の映画制作に携わる、栄誉ある機会が与えられました。この仕事は、色々な面 で私にとって、とても素晴しい経験でした。その仕事で出会った人達に、私の存在を通 して、キリストを知ってもらうための良い機会となっています。



このような考え方は、一般的に言うところの「愛と思いやり」ですが、その想いがキリストを中心とした生き方なのか、それとも自分中心な生き方なのかというところに違いがあります。あなたがキリストを中心とする時、私達はキリストの普遍的なルールに従って生きています。そして、この生き方には、「あなたの周りの人達をあなたのように愛しなさい(隣人愛)」と言うルールが含まれているのです。 一方、人間中心的な観点に従って生きる時、そのルールはその人の都合によって設定され、考え方や置かれている状況に応じて、どの様にも変ってしまうのです。そうすると、一人の人の愛のある行動は、他の人には愛として認められない事もあるでしょう。でもイエス様のルールは、状況的な違いや、人の考え方によって変るものではありません。
