Living out your faith is so much easier and safer
when you surround yourself with other Christians. But God never
intended His people to hide within the church walls, a subculture.
He wants each Christian to fully participate in the larger culture,
the world, building meaningful relationships with others that
will transform the world one life at a time.
Here are some ways you can live a life of faith that makes a significant
difference in our world:
■Strive to engage the culture in constructive ways through building
friendships with non-Christians and using your skills and talents
to contribute positively to the culture. Rather than fostering
a view of Christianity as just one more special interest group,
show everyone you interact with the Gospel in action in every
aspect of your life.
■Question your assumptions about non-Christian people, and take
the time to genuinely get to know them. Listen to them with interest
and respect rather than trying to give them prepackaged answers
to every issue in life. Rather than viewing them as projects and
making it your mission to convert them before getting to know
them, view them as people God loves and make it your mission to
build meaningful relationships with them that allow them to see
Jesus at work in your life.
■Don't rely on Christian products to identify you as a Christian.
Live a life that speaks clearly for itself about your faith. For
example, instead of wearing a t-shirt with a Bible verse on it,
apply that verse to your life and bless other people through your
faith. Then, when people ask you about the faith you've illustrated
through your life, you've earned the credibility you need to share
Bible verses so that people will actually consider them.
■ Understand that the sacred and profane mix in daily life, and
that good and bad mix in every person. Be honest and vulnerable
so people can see that you're not perfect, but that you trust
in God's grace to help you grow. Realize that non-Christians aren't
completely bad and affirm the good aspects of their lives while
praying for them to trust God.
■Ask God to give you His love for others so
you can serve them and refrain from judging them.